Why Use Us

There’s No Place Like Home.

More than 60% of all the households in the United States have some kind of pet. In fact, there are an estimated ll0 million cats and dogs alone, not to mention all the hamsters, birds, fish, and other pets. According to the American Humane Society, these pets are happiest when they’re at home, surrounded by familiar sights, sounds and smells.

In the past, however, most pet owners had few choices concerning care for their animals when they were away from home. They could turn to friends, neighbors or professional boarders — all of which are possible solutions, but not ideal for every pet. Many have found that a new alternative presents the best choice of all — a professional pet care giver who comes into the home to care for the pet while the owner is away. That is indeed why in-home pet-care is one of the fastest growing industries in the country today.

According to the experts, from the pet’s perspective, the familiar environment, diet and exercise routine, along with the personal attention provided by a professional pet care-giver are the perfect answers. Eliminating the trauma of being transported and minimizing exposure to illnesses of other animals are certainly additional advantages to the owner and pet alike.

The in-home pet-care solution is a relief to most owners who no longer have to impose on family, friends or neighbors or have the inconvenience of transporting the pet.